
Adriana Garzon, D.I.Hom, BFRP

Adriana is also a Licensed Phlebotomist Technician, Cosmetologist and Aesthetician in the State of California where she resides and she started to incorporate Holistic Modalities in her Salon and Spa (2000 to 2014) 19 years ago, first by using Aromatherapy with Essential Oils, and proper nutrition protocols to improve healthy skin and overall wellness. Her exposure over 14 years with repetitive clients as an Aesthetician, gave her the opportunity to discover the need of the use of Holistic Energy Therapies suitable for everyone: Kids, and adults. She became Bach Flower Practitioner in 2013 and Homeopath in 2014. Since then, she is being able to create a comprehensive Holistic Wellness Energy Balance Practice, bringing other modalities such as Bach Flower System, Litho and Phyto therapies, Homeopathic approach, Facial Analysis, Chakra balancing for optimal Health.

More over, that experience back on those days, listening to her clients’ conversations about their kids, husbands, or work related issues in a constant basis, allowed her to observe characteristics in some of their skin issues being related to their emotional state. Providing them with energy remedies, their emotional being started to balance and their skin improved as well. In Addition, very impactful for Adriana was when she was able to help her mom with sleepless nights due to anxiety and fear based thoughts, and for over a period of 15 days she started stabilizing her lack of sleep; now, sleeping is not an issue regardless of difficult circumstances around her.

Her mission is to help balance and unblock negative energies that disrupt overall wellness on people, by assisting and guiding them to navigate through their own quest in getting to know themselves, and have better control in their life’s overall health, facilitating a simple, effective and safe approach with energy balanced holistic modalities used synergistically for remarkable outcomes.